Archive for September 30th, 2014


MND – Solving the Mysteries of Life, or at least the local Turkish Restaurant

September 30, 2014


Signs that you need to reevaluate your life choices – you realize you’re buying your cat cans of lamb & rice cat food because you’re really craving lamb chops. On the plus side, the cat seems to enjoy the lamb & rice dish. On the other hand, it’s not doing much to quell my craving for lamb.

My usual solution to a craving for lamb is to take myself off to our local Turkish restaurant which offers a plethora of lamb dishes; the dilemma is which lamb dish to order. While you ponder this weighty decision you attempt not to spoil your dinner with too much of their addictive hummus, or with the spicy mashed vegetable dip that is not acili ezme, or with too many hunks of the warm bread they bring you when you sit down.

The real quandary when it comes to ordering is whether you get the completely indulgent iskender kebab which involves piles of shaved slices of spit roasted lamb layered over toasted pita, and then drowned in yogurt and chili sauces. Or, do you get the lamb kebabs with their perfectly grilled hunks of lamb served over tomato infused bulgur. Read the rest of this entry ?